Grand Theft Auto V GAME MOD Single Player Apartment (SPA) v.1.4.2
13.03.2016, 18:47

Single Player Apartment (SPA) is a mod for Grand Theft Auto V, created byImNotMentaL


The mod, Single Player Apartment, has a pretty self-explanatory title (as per usual), coming to us and adds all of the properties players could purchase in GTA Online. Including Apartments from the High Life DLC and Executives and Other Criminals DLC.


1. Make sure you have all 4 Requirements Installed.

2. Extract, Drag and Drop ‘Scripts’ folder into GTAV Root Folder.

3. Enjoy.

This mod requires:

– Dodatku DLC Executives an Other Criminals


–Community Script Hook V .NET

– Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2013 x64

– Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.2