Tales of Berseria: Table for Cheat Engine v10.1 Update 05.02.2017 {Exeter}
05.02.2017, 14:27

v10.1 Update 

Updated: Item List in my table section. Many thanks to pox911 for helping me with an AoB script. It should no longer break the items now if Bandai brings out a patch to the game!

Older Changelog: 
v10.0 Update 

Added: pox911's Party Editor to his table section. 
Added: TheByteSize's new Skill & Title Mastery Multipliers to his table section. 
Misc: Organized table further. Removed double and/or outdated scripts, moved them to the corresponding tables instead. (Original authors, etc).

(02/04/2017) v9.1 Update: 

Added: pox911 Table, contains Expedition Speed code and Escape Speed multiplier.

(02/04/2017) v9.0 Update: 

Fixed: Exeter Table that was broken by today's (02/03/2017) official patch.

(01/31/2017) v8.1 Update: 

Update: Exeter Table - Salvaged Items (Expedition) added to Item List

(01/31/2017) v8.0 Update: 

Updated ALL Tables to their latest versions that were previously posted by all other users. 
Added: Credits for various users who helped out. 
Added: addaafma's Table 
Update: Exeter Table - Pointers due to latest official patch breaking them. 
Update: Exeter Table - Katz Spheres Record Stat, Tales Coins Record Stat Modifiers. 
Update: Exeter Table - Fashion section to the Items. Contains Costumes, Attachments, and Hairstyles! 

Author: Exeter